Prayers of the People
In this time of prayer may we bring into our circle of concern all those who, through our prayerful intentions, may be held by the inexplicable web of connection that links us together. May our love and prayers not be limited to ourselves or those near us, but extend to all our neighbors, both those we know and those we never will.
We lift up in our hearts and prayers members of this community, our loved ones and families. May our hearts be gladdened by the joys of this sacred community and may we have the strength and compassion to hold the sorrows as well.
We lift up in our hearts and prayers all those who are going without today. Without food or shelter, without security or love. May those who are without not be without hope.
We lift up in our hearts and prayers all those who are affected by war. All those who suffer from acts of violence, and who are afraid. We pray that justice and healing makes its way into these lives.
May our prayers not be limited to words but express themselves in action. And may we continue to feel the tug of the web as we realize and hold tight our connections to one another.